ACTS Women's Retreat will be held April 24-27, 2025
Those who attend an ACTS retreat share in an experience that has impacted more than one million lives worldwide since the first retreat in 1987. There are numerous testimonies describing retreatants who were evangelized through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. They witness to becoming better fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and children.
ACTS Stands for:
Adoration: Responding through prayer and worship to receiving God’s gifts of grace, mercy and love. Those who attend an ACTS retreat share in an experience that has impacted more than one million lives worldwide since the first retreat in 1987. There are numerous testimonies describing retreatants who were evangelized through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. They witness to becoming better fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and children.
Community:Living and participating in the One Body of Christ as Church, beginning with the parish.
Theology: Deepening our relationship with God through prayerful study to better understand and fulfill His will for our lives.
Service: Answering the call to discipleship by following the model that Christ gave us.
ACTS Women's Retreat will be held April 24-27, 2025. Early-Bird Sale: Registration will be offered at $200 after the December 14th & 15th Masses. Forms will also be available in the Narthex.
Volunteers Needed: We are looking for Women who are interested in serving on this first ACTS team since Hurricane Harvey. Please contact Mary Gonzales (mary.gonzales68@yahoo.comor 713-530-1243) if interested in volunteering. Please prayerfully discern if you can commit to 1 meeting per week, in the evenings, beginning the week on January 27th and can spend a spirit filled weekend from Thursday April 24 through Sunday April 27, 2025.