“You have doubtless been informed of the grant of fifteen acres of land offered us by a Syndicate of Dickinson, Texas—on condition of our erecting a building for church and school purposes ...
“If we can succeed in engaging two of our former pupils as teachers, we will open a day school there next January. May the Sacred Heart guide and direct all for His greater glory.”Letter written by Mother Mary Joseph Dallmer
October 1891
“In the name of my bishop I wish to thank the Extension Society and the generous reverend benefactor for the gift of $500, which has been designated for the completion of St. Joseph’s church at Dickinson. The Italian colony at this place numbers some one-hundred and twenty-five families, and I am sure their combined prayers of thanksgiving will be a source of continued blessings for the Extension Society and the reverend benefactor who designated the gift for Dickinson.”
Letter to the editor of Extension Magazinewritten by Father Jerome A. Rapp
September 1911
“The Catholics of my missions are mostly truck growers. They have lost heavily in the last storm. If there is no help coming to us from the outside, I do not know where or how the churches will be rebuilt. Well, God will help us!”
Letter written by Father Carmelo Gagliardoni
August 26, 1915
“I was taken with your purpose, mentioned some time ago to create a place of special reverence for the Cross, the instrument of our redemption.
“Then when you showed me how you could transform the little church at Dickinson into a beautiful and worthy place to promote the devotion brought by St. Helen to Rome, and still continued there I was delighted. In this year when we are celebrating the Centennial of Texas’ freedom and hope, you may be able to inaugurate your plan of honoring the True Cross, symbol of that freedom wherewith God has made us free.”Letter written by the Most Rev. Christopher Byrne, Bishop of Galveston, to Father Thomas Carney, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Dickinson
March 7, 1936
“The saying ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces’, is true now as it was in former times. It therefore seems most opportune that His Excellency Bishop Byrne has decided to raise the Standard of the Cross aloft in the center of the diocese by erecting a Shrine of the Most Holy Cross there.”
Letter written by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni-Biondi, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, and the Cardinal-Priest of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme at Rome, to Father Thomas Carney
August 12, 1936
“May those who come later say, whatever the trouble was in 2009, 2010, 2011, and beyond, whatever the anxiety, whatever the difficulty, it is these people who have matured in faith our Catholic heritage, who bring us through. I pray you have a wonderful Centennial, and you never lose sight of the Cross of Jesus Christ.”
His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Mass of Thanksgiving of the Centennial of the Shrine of the True Cross
March 15, 2009