Altarboys: Boys 8-years old and older are invited to assist Mass as servers on the either weekday or weekend Masses. The only requirement is a devotion to the liturgy, commitment to serve and have had First Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Serve by bringing communion to parishioners who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their own homes and unable to get to church. They also may assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God clearly and understandably so that all who hear may respond.
Liturgical Arts & Decorations: This ministry involves decorating the church in a manner uplifting to worship. Although Christmas and Easter are the high points of the year for art and environment, there is always something to do year-round from changing the altar linens to putting flowers at the shrines.
Musicians: The Ministry of Music provides music during weekend Masses, holy days, weddings, funerals and Reconciliation services. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the congregation through this ministry.
Sacristans: Assist, facilitate, and provide support and coordination for other liturgical ministries. In addition, they make the necessary preparations for liturgical activities.
Ushers: Being a welcoming community is very important to us. Ushers are the first face of the parish. They greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, distribute parish bulletins, take up the collection, and open the door as the community leaves the Church.