Registration below Philosophy Matters: Aquinas vs. The World In a world so detached from reality, it is necessary to go back to our roots. In Pope Francis’latest encyclical,Dilexit nos, he says that welive “in an age of superficiality” and that “wewould do better to think about the really important questions inlife.”This 12-part course does exactly that. Piercing into the depths of our human nature from a Catholic philosophical perspective, this course dives into the most interesting questions of our day. Open to those 18+ years old, this course reveals why the Church places such great emphasis on philosophical training. It is apparent today that youth and young adults oftentimes find themselves engaged in discourse regarding all kinds of things—debating matters of philosophy, theology, psychology, history, etc. Although there is much confusion regarding these topics, amidst it allthere is a very real yearning for truth. In this course, we will learn about the significance of sound philosophy and look at the historical fruits of its application. We will also learn about the importance of philosophy in the realm of apologetics, which is nothing other than reasoned discourse about God and His Revelation. Many people do not know the answers to the biggest questions of our time simply because they have not looked. Others do not know because, perhaps, they have looked, but they are not satisfied with the alleged answers they found. Maybe there is something superficial about the answers they have found? The claim here is thatthere are right answersto all of these questions, and it is not that hard to figure out. The challenge is living it out; that is, taking this thing we call intellectual truth and applying it to the heart. This 12-part course will cover ...
Free Will vs. Determinism
Moral Absolutes vs. Relativism
Universal Essences vs. Nihilism
Theism vs. Atheism
Metaphysics vs. The Enlightenment
Human Nature vs. Transgenderism
Conscience vs. Authoritarianism
Human Dignity vs. The Abortion Worldview
True Love vs. Pride
Marriage vs. Contraception
Human Flourishing vs. Psychological Functioning
Orthodox Innovation vs. Modernism
All of these topics will be looked at from a Thomistic perspective. Saint Thomas Aquinas, whichis where we get the word “Thomistic” from, is regarded as one of the Church’s greatestphilosophers and theologians and his writings will guide us through every single lesson.
OUR FIRST SESSION WILL BE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7 AT 7 PM CCE building / Room 116 Contact us for more information: